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From: Lester <>
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 14:35:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Logo Fyles #16
Message-id: <Pine.3.89.9711061447.A26229-0100000@netcom13>

The Logo Fyles

- 16 -

Brond turned, expecting to see the vengeful eyes of Travis Alamort. He saw her eyes, but not her head. Instead of dark, unornate hair and a serious, pretty face, he confronted a smirking blond under a broad-brimmed hat. And, far from showing spight, the eyes were gerning mischievously.

"Yes, it's moi, as I'm sure you conjected, belamy."

Relief turned to anger. "Dumb trick, Travis. For one thing, we should not --

"Be seen ensemble, mon cher? You have raisonne. That is why I took the cautel to wear this filthy blond jasey." She studied his face. "So, mon simnel, you do not enjoy so much the begunk when you are the object, eh?"

Brond's anger subsided, replaced by the old irritation at the woman's affectations.

"Well, I hope, at least, this makes us even."

"Not quite, mon enfant. For one thing, you have not complimented me on my bongrace. It's a chapeau formidable, non? And you did not show proper respect for my terrible weapon." She held up a garlic press.

"Very nice hat. Very scary weapon." Brond rubbed his neck.

Alamort pointed to the diagram. "But what have you there?"

"It's a Wordgame problem, sent special delivery by Gobbo."

"Oh, may I see?"

"It's very tough, I'm afraid you wouldn't be--." Brond said.

She glared at him. He shrugged and passed it back. "You won't --"

Alamort held up a hand to silence him, and studied it.

   a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o   
 1|= T A M A R A = . L . ' . . =|1 
 2|C R A I G * . . R I S I N G .|2   
 3|. U - . A . S . ' m . . - . .|3   
 4|' N . A M E N ' . N . - . . '|4          
 5|. D . . O . I . R A H . . . J|5    
 6|. L . . I * F . E E . . U * O|6   G.O.: ACEKOTU   397
 7|. E ' . D . T . . I G A P O S|7   C.  : QZ        457
 8|= D E ' . . Y O L D . ' T . E|8   
 9|. . X . . . ' . ' . V . O U P|9 
10|. * I . . * . .   * O . W * H|10   G.O. TO PLAY AND WIN
11|F I L B E R d . . E E V N . .|11
12|' S I - . . . ' . E . - . . '|12
13|. . T . . . ' . ' . . . - . .|13
14|. B Y W O N E R . * . . . - .|14
15|= . . ' . . T = . . . ' . . =|15

"Trez jolley," she said, handing it back after a few minutes. "After 4i UNCE, h1 OKTA is unstoppable. Vairy nice."
