#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use lib "$ENV{'HOME'}/lib/perl"; require 'http.pl'; use vars qw(%gChild %gMarriage %gParent %gPerson); sub children ($$); sub fmt ($$); sub Main (); sub name ($$); my $opt_v = ($0 =~ /\/private\//); my $dir = $ENV{'HOME'}.'/etc/genea/'; my $mod_time = (stat("${dir}person.db"))[9]; my $slfmt = '
%s'; my $spfmt = q(


); Main; # children $generation, $id # # list descendants of person $id who is in generation $generation sub children ($$) { my($generation, $id) = @_; my (%mData); my (@rows); # return value if (defined $gMarriage{$id}) { for my $s (split(/\n/, $gMarriage{$id})) { my @f = split(/\|/, $s); my $spouse = shift @f; $mData{$spouse} = '' unless defined $mData{$spouse}; my $i = "$f[0] $f[1]"; $mData{$spouse} .= sprintf($slfmt, "m. $i") if length($i) > 1; $i = "$f[2] $f[3]"; $mData{$spouse} .= sprintf($slfmt, "div. $i") if $i !~ /^(not)? $/; } } else { %mData = (); } if (defined $gChild{$id}) { my $s = $gChild{$id}; my $lastOtherParent = -1; my $otherParentIndex = $id % 2; my $nFullSibs = 0; for my $kid (split(/\|/, $s)) { my $nKidRows = 1; my $thisOtherParent = (split(/\|/, $gParent{$kid}))[$otherParentIndex]; { my $s = fmt -2*($generation+1), $kid; if ($generation < 1) { my @kidrows = children $generation+1, $kid; $nKidRows = $#kidrows + 1; if ($nKidRows > 0) { $kidrows[0] = "$s$kidrows[0]"; push(@rows, @kidrows); } else { $nKidRows = 1; push(@rows, qq($s)); } } else { push(@rows, qq($s)); } } if ($thisOtherParent == $lastOtherParent) { $nFullSibs += $nKidRows; } else { if ($lastOtherParent != -1) { my $s = "" . (fmt -2*$generation-1, $lastOtherParent); if (defined $mData{$lastOtherParent}) { $s .= $mData{$lastOtherParent}; delete $mData{$lastOtherParent}; } $rows[$#rows + 1 - $nFullSibs - $nKidRows] =~ s/^/$s/; } $lastOtherParent = $thisOtherParent; $nFullSibs = $nKidRows; } } { my $s = "" . (fmt -2*$generation-1, $lastOtherParent); if (defined $mData{$lastOtherParent}) { $s .= $mData{$lastOtherParent}; # should really go above name delete $mData{$lastOtherParent}; } $rows[$#rows + 1 - $nFullSibs] =~ s/^/$s/; } } else { @rows = (); } for my $spouse (keys %mData) { push(@rows, '' . (fmt -2*$generation-1, $spouse) . $mData{$spouse}); } @rows; } sub fmt ($$) { my($level, $id) = @_; my $out = '?'; if ($id) { my @p = split(/\|/, $gPerson{$id}, 12); $out = name 1,$id; my $alevel = abs($level); # add title if ($alevel <= 2) { $out .= sprintf($slfmt, $p[2]) if length($p[2]); } # add dates if ($alevel == 3) { if ($opt_v || $p[5] !~ /alive/i) { my $s = "$p[3]-$p[5]"; $out .= sprintf($slfmt, $s) if length($s) > 1; } } elsif ($alevel < 3) { # birth and death information my @termini; for my $i (3,5) { $p[$i] =~ s/ / /g; } if ($opt_v || $p[5] !~ /alive/i) { my $s = "*$p[3] $p[4]"; push(@termini, $s) if length($s) > 2; } if ($p[5] !~ /alive/i) { my $s = "+$p[5] $p[6]"; push(@termini, $s) if length($s) > 2; } $out .= sprintf($spfmt, join('
', @termini)) if $#termini >= 0; } # add notes if (($alevel <= 2 || $level == -3) && length($p[7])) { my $notes = $p[7]; $notes =~ s!




!g || ($notes = sprintf($spfmt, $notes)); $out .= $notes; } # add reference counts { my $refs = ''; $refs .= qq($id); if ($level > 0) { # descendants $refs .= " <$p[10]:$p[11]" if $gChild{$id} =~ /\|/; # ancestors $refs .= " >$p[8]:$p[9]" if $level == 4 && $p[8] > 0; } elsif ($level < 0) { # ancestors $refs .= " <$p[8]:$p[9]" if $level % 2 && $p[8] > 0; # descendants $refs .= " >$p[10]:$p[11]" if $level == -4 && $p[10] > 0; } $refs .= qq(); $out .= sprintf($level > 2 ? $slfmt : $spfmt, $refs); } } $out; # $out . " ($level)"; } # name $v, $id # return formatted string representing name corresponding to ID $id # $v - include tags pointing to person's page # $id - genealogical ID of subject sub name ($$) { my ($v, $id) = @_; return '?' unless (defined $id) && defined $gPerson{$id}; my (@f) = split(/\|/, $gPerson{$id}); my $n = join(' ', @f[1,0]); $v ? "$n" : $n; } sub Main () { my $id = shift @ARGV; if (defined $ENV{'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'}) { my $ims_time = $ENV{'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'}; $ims_time =~ s/;.*//; if (&http'canon_time($mod_time) le &http'parse_http_time($ims_time)) { print &http'format_http_header(304, 'Not Modified', undef, ''); warn "http cache hit\n"; exit 0; } } if (!defined $id) { print &http'format_http_reply(400, 'Missing search key', undef, '', 'Error: missing search key', '


This URL requires a search key'); } elsif ($id !~ /^\d+$/) { print &http'format_http_reply(400, 'Bad search key', undef, '', 'Error: bad search key', '


'. "`$id' is not a valid search key for this genealogical database."); } else { dbmopen(%gPerson, "${dir}person", 0600); dbmopen(%gParent, "${dir}parent", 0600); dbmopen(%gChild, "${dir}child", 0600); dbmopen(%gMarriage, "${dir}marriage", 0600); if (!defined $gPerson{$id}) { print &http'format_http_reply(400, 'Unknown person', undef, '', 'Error: unknown person', '


'. "`$id' does not identify any known person in this database."); } else { my @ancs = ($id); my $title = "Genealogical Record: " . &name(0, $id); for my $i (0..15) { @ancs[$i+$i+1, $i+$i+2] = (split(/\|/, $gParent{$ancs[$i]}),0,0)[0..1]; } my $kids = ''; { my @rows = &children(0, $id); if ($#rows >= 0) { $kids = ''. ''. join('', @rows). '
'; } } print &http'format_http_reply(200, 'Ok', $mod_time, '', $title, "


" . "". "
SelfParentsGrandparentsGGParentsGGGParents". "
". &fmt(0,$ancs[0]) . "". &fmt(1,$ancs[1]) . "". &fmt(2,$ancs[3]) . "". &fmt(3,$ancs[7]) . "". &fmt(4,$ancs[15]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[16]) . "
". &fmt(3,$ancs[8]) . "" . &fmt(4,$ancs[17]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[18]) . "
". &fmt(2,$ancs[4]) . "" . &fmt(3,$ancs[9]) . "" . &fmt(4,$ancs[19]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[20]) . "
". &fmt(3,$ancs[10]) . "" . &fmt(4,$ancs[21]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[22]) . "
". &fmt(1,$ancs[2]) . "".&fmt(2,$ancs[5]). "". &fmt(3,$ancs[11]) . "" . &fmt(4,$ancs[23]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[24]) . "
". &fmt(3,$ancs[12]) . "" . &fmt(4,$ancs[25]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[26]) . "
". &fmt(2,$ancs[6]) . "" . &fmt(3,$ancs[13]) . "" . &fmt(4,$ancs[27]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[28]) . "
". &fmt(3,$ancs[14]) . "" . &fmt(4,$ancs[29]) . "
". &fmt(4,$ancs[30]) . '

'. $kids); } } exit 0; }